Welcome to the Personal Blog of Jesse Hansen.

People have always asked how come I didn't have a place of my own on the web separate from the Cadre Corner Studios. Well, with persistence and certain circumstances, I've deemed it worthy to give a shot to.

Hope ya like what ya see and feel free to comment, post your own thoughts as well as check back periodically.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Who Will See God?

Who Will See God?
Today's Scripture

“Who will go up to the holy mountain? Who will see God? Those with clean hands and a pure heart…” (Psalm 24:3-4).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Thank God for the blood of Jesus that gives us clean hands and purifies us from all unrighteousness! But notice, in order to see God, we have to have a pure heart. We have to choose to submit our hearts to God and allow Him to purify us on the inside. We have to constantly guard our heart and not allow junk to come in and contaminate us. How do you guard your heart? Be selective about what you see and what you watch on TV. If you don’t want to become like the people you see on TV, you shouldn’t watch them! If you don’t want to end up like the people singing those songs on the radio, you shouldn’t listen to them. If you don’t want to end up like the people in the magazines, you shouldn’t read them. What you give your attention to will shape your heart and character. Give your attention to the Word of God. Give your attention to worship. Open your heart to the Father and ask Him to purify you by His Holy Spirit. As you do, you will ascend higher and higher and just as the verse promises, you will see God!

A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, I want to see You. Open the eyes of my heart. Purify me and cleanse my heart. Help me make the right choices so that I can honor you today and always. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

SPACE DOUBLES by Th3rd World

Debut of Space Double coming out...

Go HERE for previews of the first issue.

Why would I mention this at all on my site... ? What would I care?

Well, because it's really cool AND it's also the avenue in which I was given the opportunity to associate my name with that of a comic book legend... MIKE BARON. click on the name to go to his site and see what I mean for those few that may not know his name...

I was ecstatic to get the opportunity when Scott Closter and Mike DeVito of Th3rd World brought it to me via Thomas Mauer. I was delighted to say the least. Here's some previews of my own of the inks that I did for the issue I worked on "REHAB"

Cover to the issue I worked on shown below. (Image shown here not final version... but close)

Update... Site done and links added

Howdy there everyone... or anyone... lol... just so ya'll know... I've added a few sections to the links area for quick and easy access... a photo section as well as a link to my own inking portfolio section... both of which can be found by going through the Cadre Corner site as well by the way. ;) wink wink...

Take a few moments and check it all out, leave comments to the pics and let me know what ya'll think.

ALSO: I've FINALLY finished the http://www.jessehansen.com website... hope ya'll dig it.

I've been facing some life altering revelations as of late and as such, there may be some major changes upcoming... I've discussed it a bit with some close friends of mine... and with input as well as my own personal and professional thoughts, I hope to come to a decision on a number of things.

More on that later when the time comes... for now, gotta get my plate cleared so I can evaluate and re-evaluate things a bit clearer and with a clean conscience.

For now, take care and be blessed!
